It's a Complete Failure of the Regulatory Process - Dr Michael Yeadon
For Dr Mike Yeadon, it was blindingly obvious, as early as April 2020, that we were being lied to. “It is literally absurd,” he says.
To those that think he’s just another conspiracy theorist, he says:
“There IS an international plan and there’s nothing theoretical about it - and it’s a very bad plan, and these vaccines are part of it. Your government has been lying to you for 15 to 18 months.”
If you look up the work of Dr Peter McCullough, you’ll find that there are five or so, six or seven therapies that work… hydroxychloroquine, zinc, azithromycin, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, doxycycline, budesonide, apixaban, and the list goes on. It’s the most treatable respiratory viral illness ever. So this idea that there are no treatments is an utter lie.
###If you watch nothing else, watch Part 3, at least.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Saving the best part for last, this is the Q & A and well worth watching.
Part 3: ( Q & A )
Source: Doctors for Covid Ethics
“These vaccines are nothing remotely like conventional vaccines as we know them. Operation Warp Speed is a ridiculous concept.”
“Warp is just a Star Trek term. You do realise… It doesn’t really mean you can go fast. What happens is they just miss loads of steps out, and then they lied to you and said they haven’t missed steps out. “
“I’m sorry, after 32 years of drug development, I’m afraid you can’t get… as we say in Britain, you can’t get a quart into a pint pot. You just can’t. If you go very quickly, there are some things you have not done.”
Mike Yeadon is a former VP of Pfizer, where he spent 16 years as an allergy and respiratory researcher. He left Pfizer on good terms, and later founded his own biotech firm which he sold for more than $325 Million to Novartis. He says he has nothing to gain from speaking out, and in fact it is causing him more harm than good, personally.