Dr. Richard Fleming
Dr. Richard Fleming presents a close examination of what is in the Pfizer (BioNTech) vaccination.
This is clear documentation of real harm being caused by these vaccines, and real garbage contained therein.
Dr. Fleming has given Pfizer and the FDA the opportunity to respond to his concerns. The FDA wrote back suggesting that they examined and were satisfied with the product.
According to Dr. Fleming (with respect to the FDA):
This information shows you are not doing your job.
You’ve got vaccines that are garbage. Allowing garbage and debris being injected into people.
We very clearly showed that the red blood cells were normal. We showed that the red blood cells responded normally to normal saline, that nothing unusual happened, but add the Pfizer vaccine and the red blood cells lose their oxygen-carrying capacity, and the red blood cells start to clot.
This is exactly what I laid out in the 1994 theory of the Inflamo Thrombotic Response (ITR).
This is exactly what we’re seeing with the VAERS reporting.
This is exactly what we’re seeing with neurologic harm, with cardiac harm, with blood clots occurring in the body.
This is proof positive that these types of vaccines cause this damage, under the microscope, just simply by being added to the blood of a human being.
And with that, I want to say thank you, and it’s time for the FDA and CDC to start doing their job instead of giving it lip service.
Recorded on: 25 October, 2021 (source)
Dr. Richard Fleming, PhD, MD, JD
- Cardiologist, Nuclear Cardiologist
- Certified in Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
- Juris Prudence Doctor of Law
- Researcher
- Inventor
- Author