Robert Kennedy Junior
From the beginning, Tony Faucci, and Bill Gates, and the mainstream media in concert with the pharmaceutical industry, relentlessly drummed up fear, by obfuscating, by obscuring the data, by always being unclear about the data, and using what little data points they had to fortify their narrative.
Their narrative was that everybody is vulnerable, everybody should be terrified, we’re going to lock you in your homes, and we’re going to induce a kind of Stockholm syndrome where everyone is locked in their homes, and captives become grateful to their captors, believe and empathise with them, and the only way to safety is through total obiedience.
Every totalitarian State in history has always pointed to an enemy and said… “somebody’s coming to get you,” and “I am the only one with the genius, and the strength, to protect you.” And of course the scariest thing is germs, because germs can get into everybody’s household and kill the occupants.
Regarding the “vaccines:” Clearly with the vaccine, among certain age cohorts it is going to cause far far more injuries and deaths than COVID-19. It is child abuse, giving it to a child. It is medical malpractice. Do not let them give it to your children.
Source: Jerm Warfare (a recommended podcast)
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