Early Treatment of Covid-19 is essential - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
The Science of Mask Use
While the COVID-19 crisis rages on, the science against and in support of wearing masks accumulates daily. On the one side, proponents argue that masks save lives and stop the spread of the virus. The other side contends that wearing masks is complicated and suggests masks are ineffective and may even be harmful.
New Zealand Doctors speak out - Dr. Matt Shelton
Dr. Matt Shelton has been a doctor for 35 years, mostly as a General Practitioner (GP). He speaks on behalf of a group of NZ doctors (New Zealand DoctorsSpeaking Out With Science) regarding his country’s response to COVID-19.
There are very effective treatments for COVID-19 that are being suppressed.
What Happened in Wuhan - Dr. Sam Bailey
Dr. Sam Bailey is a medical doctor, author, and health educator based in New Zealand.
In July 2021 she released this well-researched and documented summary from a medical perspective, of how we got from the early events at Wuhan, to where we find ourselves 18 months later.
It's a Complete Failure of the Regulatory Process - Dr Michael Yeadon
Robert Kennedy Junior
From the beginning, Tony Faucci, and Bill Gates, and the mainstream media in concert with the pharmaceutical industry, relentlessly drummed up fear, by obfuscating, by obscuring the data, by always being unclear about the data, and using what little data points they had to fortify their narrative.
The Media Are Lying To You - Prof. Mark Crispin Miller
Professor Mark Crispin Miller is an expert in propaganda and is a professor at New York University where he used to teach a course in identifying propaganda… until he was recently removed from teaching that course due to speaking out about COVID-19 and the media propaganda that surrounds it.
Dr Roger Hodgkinson
Dr Andrew Kaufman - SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn't exist
Dr. Judy Mikovits
Dr. Judy A. Mikovits spent twenty years at the National Cancer Institute, working with Dr. Francis W. Ruscetti, one of the founding fathers of human retrovirology, and has coauthored more than forty scientific papers. She co-founded and directed the first neuroimmune disease institute using a systems biology approach in 2006.