Joe Rogan discussing Bill Gates
From Joe Rogan:
“Everyone wants to pretend that [Bill Gates] is this amazing philanthropist. No, he made a lot of money. This is motivated by money and his entire career, he’s been motivated by money . . . He’s a business man [and during COVID] his business was the business of telling people things that he’s not educated in. He’s not a scientist. He’s not a virologist. He’s not a medical doctor. Yet he was this public health advocate on television telling everybody to go out and get this medical intervention that he would profit from which is fucking wild! It’s really wild that it’s that transparent!”
Source: The Joe Rogan Experience.
Curious minds wondering how and why Bill Gates got himself to this position would do well to review “Meet Bill Gate,” by James Corbett. At the very least jump to 1hr 30 mark for the concluding part, “Meet Bill Gates.”