New Zealand Doctors speak out - Dr. Matt Shelton
Dr. Matt Shelton has been a doctor for 35 years, mostly as a General Practitioner (GP). He speaks on behalf of a group of NZ doctors (New Zealand DoctorsSpeaking Out With Science) regarding his country’s response to COVID-19.
There are very effective treatments for COVID-19 that are being suppressed.
Early on, it was shown that one’s chance of dying from COVID-19 was really the same as influenza. Much of that was concentrated in the elderly population. The chance of dying was strongly linked to vitamin D levels in the blood.
Dr. Shelton says,
The evidence for Ivermectin as a curative treatment, as a life saving drug is about as strong as you can possibly get, for any drug. And yet the WHO, the CDC and many (not all) governments have suppressed, ignored, this information.
Some countries have halted COVID-19 in its tracks by making Ivermectin freely available - and this is published evidence, and has been for a while. India, being the latest example, which is perhaps why it has disappeared from the news (as of late May 2021).
Very early on, Hydroxychloroquin was removed from the shelves here in New Zealand pharmacies, even before most of us knew it was a thing in treating (with zinc) COVID-19.
Emminent world experts are saying the vaccine rollout must be stopped immediately and are also being sensored and de-platformed, and ignored. For example, Dr Peter McCullough, the world’s most published (and downloaded and followed for his protocols) expert in treating Covid-19 in hospitals and in the outpatient setting.

There has been some inflation of the death and hospitaisation statistics in some countries, and we know that (to date) up to 15,000 people have died following Covid-19 vaccinations in nthe EU and the US. Just under half of those from the Pfizer vaccine. This data comes from official reporting systems that are known generally to be reliable, but also to under-report vaccine injuries. However this is from around half a billion vaccine doses given, so about 1 in 25 to 1 in 30 thousand deaths, as best as we can tell.
He says they know there have been deaths and injuries in New Zealand following the vaccination, and they are suspicious that these statistics are not being made publicly available.
Dr. Shelton says,
“we who are trying to raise these issues, and ask very reasonable questions have been stonewalled and threatened for speaking out, but our ethical obligations to “do no harm,” and tell the truth about this radically new and minimally tested platform, this new novel technology for vaccines that bear no resemblence at all to the traditional tried-and-tested technologies that have been used to produce vaccines for decades.
We are speaking out now, after more and more information has come to light in the past 18 months. els, a vitamin that has an impact on basically every aspect of immune functioning. This was never publicised by our public health authorities.
Because their concerns and questions have not been addressed, he is apaulled by the lack of honesty and leadership from polititians. It is simply not true that our best or only hope out of the pandemic is to 100% vaccinate the world’s population - and this vaccination will be enforced, and for our children too, on the scantiest of safety data.
We are waking up to the situation, after being psychologically blitzed with fear, and we hope you will too.